Monday, November 29, 2010

We are Sinners.

So I just got done watching a video from someone who I would say is leading people astray. This guy is saying that we are not sinners. WOW I am so glad this guy let me know this. O I forgot there is a reason that I have never been told this because we are sinners saved by God's grace. Paul him self says that he was the chief of sinners. Someone who says that he is not a sinner is sinning in that thought. We sin on a daily basis. Today we were prideful, lustful,greedy and the list can go on and on. We are saved by God's grace from our sins but until the day that we go home we will sin everyday.
Do not let someone lead you astray by saying you are not a sinner because that would give us something to be prideful about and that would be sin. We are sinners and we need to be thankful that God loves us sinner and draws us to him.

1 comment:

  1. Man! Dude! I started watching the video before I read your post! I was about to look you up and call you. I was thinking to myself self seriously who are you KID to rewrite what has ALREADY been written. Then I read your post. Praise God. Miss hearing you preach the Word
