From the Baptist convention web page
"Millers and McCullar believe that Muslims are part of our extended family. They admit that to assert a family relationship may seem strange, but the fact is Christians and Muslims claim a common ancestor -- Abraham. They worship a common God. Allah is merely the Arabic word for God, not the name of different deity. And the Koran rests on the foundation of prophets from Moses to Jesus. Islam is thus in the family that links Judaism and Christianity."
The Muslim's Allah is NOT the equivalent of the Judeo-Christian God. Allah is one being, not the Trinity as espoused in the Bible. Allah requires works (martyrdom) to attain 72 virgins, God requires faith in His grace thru Jesus. The list goes on, so it is disingenuous to say Allah and God are the same. Islam says Jesus was only a prophet, Jesus is the only major religion persona who said he was the son of God, present at creation and forever. He also said that he is the ONLY way to the Father, not Islam, Buddhism, Rastafarianism, etc. If their were other ways then the omniscient God I know made the biggest blunder, or hoax, in the history of mankind with the cross and resurrection. So, yes, I can talk gently with one of another religious background but I cannot accept them as Kingdom brothers if they refute the Christ.ALLAH THEY WORSHIP TELLS THEM TO KILL THE INFIDELS......
Abraham they worship was just a relative for Mohamed to become the "messiah" AFTER JESUS!!!!He died...Jesus did not!!!!
The Koran does not rest on the same foundations of Christianity....jesus said so when he said no other book shall have the answers!!! Not one dot or T shall be changed!!!! Telling congregants to kill others is a little different that our scriptures!!!
"There are millions of Muslims whose only desire is to live in peace in the world. They are not our enemy." Tell that to the apostle PaulTo have Christ is life not and also with Muslims, and .....
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